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<center><img SRC="img/aboutme.gif" ALT="about me"></center><p>

<CENTER><img src="img/snoopyhockey.jpg" ALT="Snoopy scores!"></center><P>

Here's a little information about me.  I live in the East Bay Area of San Francisco.  I am married to Suzanne, and we have 3 boys and one girl - Bryan, Nickolas, Ethan, and Madeline.  Bryan retired as a Tech Sgt. in the US Air Force, and his wife Sandra remains in the Air Force as a Tech Sgt.  They have a son Carter; my first grandchild.  Nickolas has autism, and attends a Special Adult Day class.  He lives with his mother in Modesto, and is doing very well.  Ethan is currently enrolled at CSUEB working towards a degree in Mathematics. Madeline is heavily involved with dance through <a href="http://www.tiffanydance.com/"target="_new">Tiffany's Dance Academy</a>.  She takes classes, dances in competitions, and attends conventions with the performing troupe.  She is finishing her senior year at <a href=“https://amador.pleasantonusd.net/“ target=“_new”>Amador Valley High School</a>, and has been accepted to the <A href=“https://www.usfca.edu/“ target=“_new”>University of San Francisco</a> in the fall.  Having kids is a wonderful excuse to play with all their toys! <p>

Click <a href="madeline.html">here</a> to go to Madeline's Story page and learn about her congenital heart defect.<P>

I currently work as an EMS Paramedic Captain for <A href=“http://www.verihealth.com” target=“_new”>Falck Ambulance</a> in Alameda County.  I previously worked as an Emergency Department Technician for <a href="http://www.johnmuirhealth.com" target="_new">John Muir Medical Center-Walnut Creek</a>.  I started working there in December of 2015.  I also worked part-time as a paramedic for <a HREF="http://www.paramedicsplus.com/" TARGET="_new">Paramedics Plus-Alameda County</a>.  I started working in EMS in 1983, becoming a paramedic in 1986, after graduating from the Stanford Paramedic Program.  I completed my AS degree in Paramedic Science from Foothill College in 2000.  I worked for <a href="https://www.amr.net/" target="_new">American Medical Response</a> for nearly 28 years, and I was a Field Training Officer with AMR, training new employees, as well as a preceptor for paramedic students during their field internship training period.  AMR lost the Alameda County 9-1-1 contract as of November 1, 2011, and Paramedics Plus took over operations.  I have also been an instructor in <a HREF="http://www.itrauma.org/" TARGET="_new">International Trauma Life Support</a>.  On my off time, I spend a lot of time at the gym, I play drums and saxophone, and I waste a lot of time on the Internet. 

 I use <a HREF="http://www.apple.com/" TARGET="_new">Apple Computers</a> exclusively.  I just started collecting old pinball machines:<P>


<li><a href="http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=871" TARGET="_new">Williams "Flash"</a></li><br>

<li><a href="http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=317" TARGET="_new">Williams "Blackout"</a></li><br>

<li><a href="http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=1858" TARGET="_new">Bally "Bobby Orr Power Play"</a></li><br>

<li><a href="http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=1677" TARGET="_new">Bally "Night Rider" (EM)</a></li><br>

<li><a href="http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=1062" TARGET="_new">Williams "Gorgar"</a></li><br>

<li><a href="http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=4500" TARGET="_new">Bally "Freedom"</a></li><br>

<li><a href="http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=856" TARGET="_new">Williams "Firepower"</a></li><br>

<li><a href="http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=760" TARGET="_new">Bally "Eight Ball"</a></li>


that I used to play as a kid.  It's fun to keep the machines in playing condition, restoring them as need be.  I am a huge hockey fan, as well as a player.  I bleed teal for <a HREF="http://www.sj-sharks.com/" TARGET="_new">The San Jose Sharks</a>.  I play goalie when I can get to the rink for some pick-up hockey.  In 2003 I participated in the International Police Winter Games on a team of police officers from around the local area.  We took a silver medal in our division, losing the gold medal game in a double overtime shoot-out to a team of police officers from Austria.  Even though we didn't win it all, we were undefeated in pool play with the lowest goals given up of any of the teams in the tournament.  It was a blast!<br>

I play pickup games in Dublin when I get the chance.  I might post some photos later on...check back, eh.  <p>

More info to be posted later.  Thanks for stopping by!

